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Canadian Love Map

Oct 27, 2022

Is it possible to make a meaningful romantic connection in just 6 minutes? According to our guest, matchmaker and dating coach Jean-Eva Dickie, you can.

In the world of modern dating, it can be easy to stay in our comfort zone and stick to the convenience of online dating. But beautiful things can happen when you get...

Oct 20, 2022

You might be familiar with the idiom “you can't go home again”, but whoever wrote that clearly wasn't from Newfoundland.

This week's love story belongs to Chris and Christina, who are husband and wife, best friends and business partners in brewing.

They met in junior high and later in life bonded over their love...

Oct 13, 2022

On the Canadian Love Map, we share love stories of all kinds, including the stories of couples across the country. For some, they were in the right place at the right time. For others, existing friendships turned into something more. But what about people who are still looking for love?

This season, from time to time,...

Oct 5, 2022

Today's love story belongs to Kimberley and Manuel. 

Their love story is an international tale that started with heartbreak and ended in an unexpected love mid air.

It all started on an airplane. Kimberly was returning to Canada after a needed trip to Mexico, while Manuel was flying to Canada on his way to...