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Canadian Love Map

Jun 24, 2021

That's a wrap on another great season of Canadian Love Map! Host Nancy Regan and Producer Sarah MacLellan sit down to chat about the amazing second season.
This season we dove even deeper into all kinds of connections. From remembering those who have passed, reuniting with love, the power of friendship, family bonds...

Jun 17, 2021

Rouge and Deva are a duo of drag queens who create a splash of love wherever they go. Their bond is unique and unbreakable.

They entertain thousands with their online empire StationDRG and YouTube show "Queens Ranting". But they are also paying it forward by teaching and inspiring a younger generation of...

Jun 10, 2021

Sometimes it's hard to find your match. Your partner. Your soul mate. Imagine doing it miles apart, in different countries, different time zones. Then you'll start to understand how it all began for Paul and Cori.

Of course distance wasn't the only challenge they faced, but in almost 20 years together they've grown into...

Jun 3, 2021

In our darkest hours, when we're filled with anger, it's difficult to face the world with love. But that's what Tyler Simmonds is teaching us through his powerful films.

By opening up about his mental health struggles and sharing powerful stories of healing, filmmaker Tyler Simmonds is using his unique perspective and...